Damages & Warranty




Notwithstanding that Duo Design may deliver the goods to the customer, the property shall not pass to the customer until Duo Design has received in cash or cleared funds payment in full of the price of the goods and in the event that Delivery may have been made prior to payment by the customer in full, the customer shall not hold the goods as Duo Design’s fiduciary agent and bailee.


Every effort will be made to ensure that the goods you have ordered arrive undamaged and without defect.

If the goods are found to be either damaged or defective in any way at the time of Delivery, you must mark this on the Delivery Note immediately, which will be provided by the home Delivery team. If damage is discovered after Delivery, you must Contact us within 3 days of Delivery of the goods.

If the goods are damaged, due to Seller’s proven fault, and we are unable to repair the item to manufacturing standards, we will send a replacement item upon confirmation that the damaged item has been collected or has been returned to us.

If the goods are found to be defective, due to Seller’s proven fault, we will refund all amount paid by you for the goods in question (including the Delivery charges) together with any return Delivery charges you may have reasonably incurred if you have undertaken to return the items yourself, in the same form of payment originally used for the purchase as soon as possible.

The product could be returned only with the proof that the damage is manufacturing defect.

Please be prepared to send us photos of the damage or defect. 

Except manufacturing defects, reasonably proven, no other defects will be accepted.


In most cases, our products are warranted for 5 years for structures, 2 years for materials (fabrics, varnishes, patinas…) and 2 years for mechanisms (mechanical elements, electric pieces, batteries, transformers…).

A structural defect is defined as: a failure, material or mechanical, of the supporting structure of the furniture. For example: the frame of a cabinet or the legs on a table. This excludes the materials on the frame (foam, fabrics, lacquers, leathers, varnish etc.) which are covered under a separate warranty.

Moving parts, including both manual and electrical mechanisms, are covered for 2 years from the date of purchase (invoice date).

Additional Cover:

Any repair, labor, and materials, for any furniture item deemed to be defective by the store of purchase (after normal use, in normal conditions).

Shipping and delivery charges associated with resolving the after-sale issue. Limited to the original shipping address provided at time of purchase.

Please note that there are expected to be lead times associated with resolving issues. These can range from days, to weeks and months depending on the issue. This warranty does not include cover for any loss of enjoyment of your furniture for this period.

Warranty only applies to items from our collection accompanied by a fully paid invoice from a Duo Design store. Our invoice constitutes the only legitimate proof of purchase.

Should your Warranty have expired, we shall be able to provide you with service or replacement parts for which additional costs will be charged.


Warranties do not cover: indentations, scratches, stains or damage caused by negligence, fire, water, moisture, excessive heat or excessive dryness, erosion, pebbles, sand or other abrasives, pets, insects, spiked heel shoes, weather conditions or natural disasters, color variations, naturally occurring wood characteristics, failure to follow all the manufacturer’s maintenance instructions, improper maintenance, wet mopping, insufficient protection, insufficient protection on furniture or appliance feet/legs, misuse, or improper alterations of the original manufactured product. 

Warranties do not cover natural expansion and contraction resulting in separation between boards, or damage caused by low or excessive humidity.  Damage due to water and/or moisture, including but not limited to damage resulting from broken or leaking pipes, wet mopping, or weather conditions or natural disasters, is excluded from warranties. 

Warranties do not cover: natural characteristics of natural materials such as wood and leather, and are not considered defects: Stretch marks, variation in grain / pattern, and knots are typical examples; poor assembly, adjustment, setting, or other actions taken by people who are not authorized by Duo Design; use in public or professional settings unless the model is appropriate for such use and this has been specified on the order form; deterioration due to improper use; repairs or modifications done by clients or by a third party not authorized by Duo Design.

Any issues reported after the date of delivery must be reported within 72 hours of the delivery but may result in a delay in determining the cause of the issue.

Any form of damage caused by you once the item is delivered, is not covered by the Warranty under any circumstances. We will however assist you to fix or replace the item if requested, and there may be reasonable costs and charges imposed.


Every effort will be made to supply goods of sound workmanship and quality. No subsequent claims for Delivery damage or visible marks can be entertained. Subject as herein contained and except where the goods are sold to a person dealing as a consumer, all warranties conditions or other terms implied by statute or common law are excluded to the fullest extent permitted by law. In any event Duo Design's liability shall not exceed the original value of the goods.




In pofida faptului ca Duo Design poate livra marfurile catre client, proprietatea nu va fi transmisa clientului pana cand Duo Design nu a primit plata in numerar sau prin virament bancar, in intregime a pretului bunurilor, iar in cazul in care Livrarea s-a facut anterior platii integrale de catre client, acesta nu va putea pastra bunurile in calitate de agent fiduciar si de executor judecatoresc Duo Design.


Se vor depune toate eforturile pentru a va asigura ca marfurile comandate nu vor fi afectate si fara defecte.

Daca se constata ca marfurile sunt deteriorate sau defecte in vreun fel in momentul livrarii, trebuie sa marcati imediat aceasta nota de livrare, care va fi furnizata de echipa de livrare la domiciliu. Daca se descopera daune dupa livrare, trebuie sa ne contactati in termen de 3 zile de la livrarea marfii.

Daca marfurile sunt deteriorate, din cauza defectiunii dovedite a Vanzatorului si nu putem repara articolul conform standardelor de fabricatie, vom trimite un articol de inlocuire la confirmarea faptului ca articolul deteriorat a fost colectat sau ne-a fost returnat.

In cazul in care bunurile sunt considerate defecte, din cauza defectiunii dovedite a Vanzatorului, vom restitui toata suma platita de dvs. pentru marfurile in cauza (inclusiv costurile de livrare) impreuna cu orice retur Costurile de livrare pe care le-ati suportat in mod rezonabil daca v-ati angajat sa returnati articolele singuri, in aceeasi forma de plata folosita initial pentru cumparare cat mai curand posibil.

Produsul ar putea fi returnat numai cu dovada ca deteriorarea este defect de fabricatie.

Va rugam sa fiti pregatiti sa ne trimiteti fotografii cu deteriorarea sau defectul.

Cu exceptia defectelor de fabricatie, dovedite in mod rezonabil, nu se vor accepta alte defecte.


In majoritatea cazurilor, produsele noastre sunt garantate 5 ani pentru structuri, 2 ani pentru materiale (tesaturi, lacuri, patine ...) si 2 ani pentru mecanisme (elemente mecanice, piese electrice, baterii, transformatoare ...).

Un defect structural este definit ca: o defectiune, materiala sau mecanica, a structurii de sustinere a mobilei. De exemplu: rama unui dulap sau picioarele de pe o masa. Aceasta exclude mentiunea materiale de pe cadru (spuma, tesaturi, lacuri, piele, lac etc.), care sunt acoperite sub o garantie separata.

Piesele mobile, inclusiv mecanisme manuale si electrice, sunt acoperite timp de 2 ani de la data cumpararii (data facturii).

Acoperire suplimentara:

Orice reparatie, forta de munca si materiale, pentru orice obiect de mobilier considerat defect din magazinul de cumparare (dupa utilizare normala, in conditii normale).

Taxele de livrare si livrare asociate cu solutionarea problemei post-vanzare. Limitat la adresa de livrare initiala furnizata la momentul achizitiei.

Va rugam sa retineti ca se preconizeaza ca exista perioade de timp asociate cu rezolvarea problemelor. Acestea pot varia de la zile, la saptamani si luni, in functie de problema. Aceasta garantie nu include acoperire pentru pierderea placerii mobilierului pentru aceasta perioada.

Garantia se aplica numai articolelor din colectia noastra insotite de o factura platita integral de la un magazin Duo Design. Factura noastra constituie singura dovada legitima de cumparare.

In cazul in care garantia dvs. a expirat, vom putea sa va oferim servicii sau piese de schimb pentru care se vor percepe costuri suplimentare.


Garantiile nu acopera: indentari, zgarieturi, pete sau daune cauzate de neglijenta, foc, apa, umiditate, caldura excesiva sau uscaciune excesiva, eroziune, pietricele, nisip sau alte materiale abrazive, animale de companie, insecte, incaltaminte cu toc, conditii meteorologice sau dezastre naturale , variatii de culoare, caracteristici naturale ale lemnului, nerespectarea tuturor instructiunilor de intretinere ale producatorului, intretinere necorespunzatoare, taiere umeda, protectie insuficienta, protectie insuficienta pe picioarele / picioarele mobilierului sau ale aparatului, utilizarea necorespunzatoare sau modificari necorespunzatoare ale produsului original fabricat.

Garantiile nu acopera dilatarea si contractia naturala care rezulta in separarea intre placi sau deteriorarea cauzata de umiditatea scazuta sau excesiva. Daunele cauzate de apa si / sau umiditate, inclusiv, dar fara a se limita la daunele care rezulta din conductele sparte sau scurgeri, taierea umeda sau conditiile meteorologice sau calamitatile naturale, sunt excluse din garantii.

Garantiile nu acopera: caracteristicile naturale ale materialelor naturale, cum ar fi lemnul si pielea si nu sunt considerate defecte: vergeturile, variatia granulei / modelului si nodurile sunt exemple tipice; asamblare, reglare, setare sau alte actiuni intreprinse de persoane care nu sunt autorizate de Duo Design; utilizarea in setari publice sau profesionale, cu exceptia cazului in care modelul este adecvat pentru o astfel de utilizare si acest lucru a fost specificat in formularul de comanda; deteriorari datorate utilizarii necorespunzatoare; reparatii sau modificari efectuate de clienti sau de catre un tert neautorizat de Duo Design.

Orice probleme raportate dupa data livrarii trebuie raportate in termen de 72 de ore de la livrare, dar pot duce la intarzierea stabilirii cauzei problemei.

Orice forma de paguba cauzata de dvs. odata livrarea articolului nu este acoperita de Garantie in niciun caz. Cu toate acestea, va vom ajuta sa remediati sau sa inlocuiti articolul, daca vi se solicita, si pot exista costuri si taxe rezonabile.


Se vor depune toate eforturile pentru furnizarea de bunuri de buna calitate si manopera. Nu pot fi ascultate cereri ulterioare pentru daune de livrare sau marci vizibile. Sub rezerva prezentului document, cu exceptia cazului in care bunurile sunt vandute unei persoane care se ocupa de consum, toate conditiile de garantie sau alte conditii implicate de statut sau de dreptul comun sunt excluse in masura maxima permisa de lege. În orice caz, raspunderea Duo Design nu va depasi valoarea initiala a marfurilor.