Payment Terms / Conditii de Plata



The prices displayed on the website include the Value Added Tax (VAT) provided by law, but do not include a delivery fee. 

The delivery fee for each order will be clearly indicated during the order completion process. If the product is a personalized one, such as kitchens or has an atypical size, we will contact you to let you know what the specific delivery fee is. 

You can enter your payment details when placing your order using a valid credit or debit card (VISA or Mastercard).  

The corresponding amount will be immediately debited from your card.  

Please note that any bank charges will be borne by you. 

The card information is verified by the bank, if necessary, not by the merchant.  

The goods can be paid via direct money transfer, based on a proforma invoice issued by us.  

Goods must be paid for in full prior to Delivery or Collection in a form and at a time acceptable to Duo Design.  

A minimum deposit of 50% of the total order value is payable on order, to be able to start the work. The balance plus storage fees (if any) will be payable on notification by Duo Design that the goods are ready for Delivery or collection.  


* 3D Secure Info: is a new global approach to authenticating buyers and sellers in secure Internet transactions. This security measure involves redirecting the user when making the payment on a secure page where the registration of each cardholder is done by assigning an authorization code for each online transaction. Cards accepted for payment are those issued under the logos VISA (Classic and Electron) and MASTERCARD (including Maestro, if they have CVV / CV2 code) 

   * Not Keeping Data: The payment card data of the Customer / User / Buyer will not be accessible and will not be stored by <> but only by to the transaction authorization institution or another entity authorized to provide card identification data storage services, about whose identity the Client / User / Buyer will be informed, prior to entering the data. 


Payment Currency: 

Orders are shown in Euro (EUR), but the payment will be processed in RON, using a conversion rate directly on the check-out page.  

Prices in other currencies shown on the website are approximate and based on every day’s bank rate.  

Please note that any bank charges will be borne by you. 



Preturile afisate pe site-ul includ taxa pe valoare adaugata (TVA) oferita de lege, dar nu includ o taxa de livrare. 

Taxa de livrare pentru fiecare comanda va fi indicata in mod clar in timpul procesului de finalizare a comenzii. Daca produsul este unul personalizat, cum ar fi bucatariile sau are dimensiune atipica, va vom contacta pentru a va informa care este taxa specifica de livrare. 

Puteti introduce detaliile de plata la plasarea comenzii folosind un card de credit sau debit valid (VISA sau Mastercard). 

Suma corespunzatoare va fi debitata imediat de pe cardul dvs. 

Va rugam sa retineti ca orice cheltuieli bancare vor fi suportate de dvs. 

Informatiile despre card sunt verificate de banca, daca este necesar, nu de comerciant. 

Bunurile pot fi platite prin transfer direct de bani, pe baza unei facturi proforma emise de noi. 

Marfurile trebuie platite integral inainte de Livrare sau Colectare intr-o forma si la un moment acceptabil Duo Design. 

Pentru depunerea lucrarilor se poate plati un depozit minim de 50% din valoarea totala a comenzii. Soldul, plus taxele de depozitare (daca exista) vor fi platite la notificarea Duo Design conform careia marfurile sunt gata pentru livrare sau colectare. 

* 3D Secure Info: este o noua abordare globala pentru autentificarea cumparatorilor si a vanzatorilor in tranzactii sigure pe Internet. Aceasta masura de securitate implica redirectionarea utilizatorului atunci cand efectueaza plata pe o pagina sigura in care inregistrarea fiecarui detinator de card se face prin atribuirea unui cod de autorizare pentru fiecare tranzactie online. Cardurile acceptate pentru plata sunt cele emise sub sigla VISA (Classic si Electron) si MASTERCARD (inclusiv Maestro, daca au cod CVV / CV2) 

   * Nu pastreaza date: datele cardului de plata ale Clientului / Utilizatorului / Cumparatorului nu vor fi accesibile si nu vor fi stocate de catre <> ci doar de catre institutia de autorizare a tranzactiei sau o alta entitate autorizata sa furnizeze servicii de stocare a datelor de identificare a cardului, despre identitatea careia Clientul / Utilizatorul / Cumparatorul va fi informat, inainte de introducerea datelor. 


Moneda de plata: 

Comenzile sunt afisate in Euro (EUR), dar plata va fi procesata in lei, folosind un curs de conversie direct pe pagina de check-out. 

Preturile din alte valute afisate pe site-ul web sunt aproximative si se bazeaza pe rata bancara din fiecare zi. 

Va rugam sa retineti ca orice cheltuieli bancare vor fi suportate de dvs