Delivery of Goods & Mounting / Livrarea de produse & Montajul



All Deliveries are subject to the provisions of this clause.

The periods mentioned individually on each product page are approximate only and do not form any term or condition of this Agreement. Every effort will be made to adhere to these estimates, but Duo Design accepts no liability for any direct or indirect loss arising from delay.

For your convenience, we are happy to ship your order to anywhere in Romania.

Delivery can be arranged outside of Romania as well.  You (the customer) would be responsible to pay any duties or fees when going to another country.

Orders can take up to 8 weeks to build; custom orders can be 8 weeks or longer. It will take 7-10 days to have your order delivered once the items are ready and are paid in full.

Shipping will be quoted to you as Curb Side Delivery (This will be delivered by 1 driver to your address. You will be required to unload the furniture).

Some items my require installation, for which you will receive instruction in the package.

Customers must ensure that the goods ordered will fit through all doors and that Delivery is otherwise unobstructed and that all valuables are safeguarded from accidental damage. Appointment times are approximate only. In the event of exceptionally difficult Deliveries, customers or their agents are required to sign a damage disclaimer. Failure to sign such disclaimer will result in the goods being returned to Duo Design's warehouse where they will be made available for collection by the customer during normal business hours.

The buyer has the right not to accept the delivered goods if they do not comply with the technical details specified on the product page. In this case, the Seller assumes responsibility for bringing the products into conformity.

The buyer will become the owner of the goods after making the payment, scheduling the delivery, and signing the transport document.

Also, the consumer (individual) has the right to return products within 14 days from their purchase. Please access the general return conditions.

Delivery times are displayed on the site for each product and may vary depending on the product. If the Contract cannot be executed due to the fact that the product is not / is no longer available, the Seller will inform the Buyer about this unavailability, following that the amounts of money paid by the Buyer for the unavailable product or service will be reimbursed within maximum 30 calendar days.

The delivery of the ordered products from the online store is made on the entire territory of Romania, through our delivery Partners.

For logistical reasons, orders that contain bulky products or those that require assembly, are delivered exclusively through the Duo Design fleet.

For more details please contact our Customer Support Service by email at office(at)

The delivery time is estimated and may undergo changes due to the situation established by special deliveries from external suppliers for special materials.

The delivery time is estimated and may undergo changes due to the situation established by COVID-19.

In the Duo Design online store, delivery can be done in the following ways:

- Delivery by Duo Design fleet;

- Delivery by designated external transporters;

If you already have an account and have saved your delivery and billing address, they will be automatically charged when you complete an online order. Delivery costs are automatically calculated in the shopping cart.

The cost is limited at 50€ per each product.

For the ordered products from stock Duo Design, the delivery of the goods with the Duo Design Fleet can be done in an interval from 3 to 10 working days from the date of placing the order and confirming the payment, depending also on the area where the delivery address is.

For the products executed and brought to order, the delivery of the goods with the Duo Design Fleet can be done in an interval from 10 to 40 working days from the date of placing the order and confirming the payment, depending also on the area where the delivery address is.

The type of product (stock product or custom product), production terms and delivery terms are estimated on the page of each product on the site.

Other, more specific dates will be communicated by the seller directly by email to the buyer.


Duo Design specialists are professional installers, which ensures the highest possible qualification standard. Duo Design has the experience of installing tens and hundreds of thousands of pieces of furniture throughout the country, and the mastery of our technicians is recognized everywhere.

We assure you that, in this experience, the care will be 100% of the assembly team, so that the final joy will be entirely yours.

For all custom products, Duo Design offers superior transport and installation services.

The delivery and assembly conditions specified above are valid for orders placed online on the platform



Toate livrarile sunt supuse prevederilor acestei clauze.

Perioadele mentionate individual pe fiecare pagina de produs sunt numai aproximative si nu formeaza niciun termen sau conditie a prezentului acord. Se vor face toate eforturile pentru a respecta aceste estimari, dar Duo Design nu isi asuma nicio raspundere pentru nicio pierdere directa sau indirecta care rezulta din intarziere.

Pentru comoditatea dvs., suntem incantati sa livram comanda dvs. oriunde in Romania.

Livrarea poate fi organizata si in afara Romaniei. Dumneavoatra (clientul) veti fi responsabil sa platiti orice taxe sau taxe suplimentare atunci cand produsele sunt livrate intr-o alta tara.

Comenzile pot dura pana la 8 saptamani pentru a construi; comenzile personalizate pot fi de 8 saptamani sau mai mult. Perioada estimate de 7-10 zile este pentru a va livra comanda dupa ce articolele vor fi gata si vor fi platite integral.

Livrarea va va fi citata ca si Curb Side Delivery (Aceasta va fi livrata de catre un sofer la adresa dvs.. Vi se va cere sa descarcati mobilierul).

Unele elemente necesita instalare, pentru care veti primi instructiuni in pachet.

Clientii trebuie sa se asigure ca marfurile comandate se vor incadra prin toate usile si ca Livrarea nu este obstructionata si ca toate obiectele de valoare sunt protejate de daunele accidentale. Timpi de programare sunt aproximativi. In cazul livrarilor exceptional de dificile, clientii sau agentii lor trebuie sa semneze o renuntare la daune. Nerespectarea unei astfel de renuntari va duce la returnarea marfii in depozitul Duo Design unde vor fi puse la dispozitie pentru colectare de catre client in timpul programului normal de lucru.

Cumparatorul are dreptul de a nu accepta marfurile livrate daca nu respecta detaliile tehnice specificate pe pagina produsului. In acest caz, Vanzatorul isi asuma responsabilitatea pentru aducerea produselor in conformitate.

Cumparatorul va deveni proprietarul marfii dupa efectuarea platii, programarea livrarii si semnarea documentului de transport.

De asemenea, consumatorul are dreptul sa returneze produsele in termen de 14 zile de la achizitie. Va rugam sa accesati conditiile generale de returnare.

Timpul de livrare este afisat pe site pentru fiecare produs si poate varia in functie de produs. Daca Contractul nu poate fi executat din cauza faptului ca produsul nu este / nu mai este disponibil, Vanzatorul va informa Cumparatorul despre aceasta indisponibilitate, dupa care sumele de bani platite de Cumparator pentru produsul sau serviciul indisponibil vor fi rambursate in maxim 30 de zile calendaristice.

Livrarea produselor comandate de la magazinul online se face pe intreg teritoriul Romaniei, prin intermediul partenerilor nostri de livrare.

Din motive logistice, comenzile care contin produse voluminoase sau cele care necesita asamblare, sunt livrate exclusiv prin flota Duo Design.

Pentru mai multe detalii, va rugam sa contactati serviciul nostru de asistenta pentru clienti prin e-mail la adresa office(at)

Timpul de livrare este estimat si poate suferi modificari din cauza situatiei stabilite de livrarile speciale de la furnizori externi pentru materiale speciale.

Timpul de livrare este estimat si poate suferi modificari din cauza situatiei stabilite de COVID-19.

In magazinul online Duo Design, livrarea se poate face in urmatoarele moduri:

- Livrare prin flota Duo Design;

- Livrare de catre transportatori externi desemnati;

Daca aveti deja un cont si v-ati salvat adresa de livrare si facturare, acestea vor fi incasate automat atunci cand finalizati o comanda online. Costurile de livrare sunt calculate automat in cosul de cumparaturi.

Costul este limitat la 50 € pentru fiecare produs.

Pentru produsele comandate din stoc Duo Design, livrarea marfurilor cu Flota Duo Design se poate face intr-un interval de la 3 la 10 zile lucratoare de la data plasarii comenzii si confirmarea platii, in functie de zona in care se afla adresa de livrare este.

Pentru produsele executate si aduse la comanda, livrarea marfii cu Flota Duo Design se poate face intr-un interval intre 10 si 40 de zile lucratoare de la data plasarii comenzii si confirmarea platii, in functie de zona in care se afla adresa de livrare este.

Tipul de produs (produs stoc sau produs personalizat), conditiile de productie si termenii de livrare sunt estimate pe pagina fiecarui produs de pe site.

Alte date mai specifice vor fi comunicate de vanzator direct prin e-mail catre cumparator.


Specialistii Duo Design sunt instalatori profesionisti, care asigura cel mai inalt standard de calificare posibil. Duo Design are experienta de a instala zeci si sute de mii de piese de mobilier in toata tara, iar maiestria tehnicienilor nostri este recunoscuta peste tot.

Va asiguram ca, in aceasta experienta, grija va fi 100% din echipa de asamblare, astfel incat bucuria finala va fi in intregime a voastra.

Pentru toate produsele personalizate, Duo Design ofera servicii superioare de transport si instalare.

Conditiile de livrare si de asamblare specificate mai sus sunt valabile pentru comenzile plasate online pe platforma