Terms of Use / Conditii Generale



The following terms and conditions apply to all orders placed by the customer (hereinafter referred to as “you”) to the company Duo Design Key Shop Project SRL, (hereinafter referred to as “Duo Design”, “ours” or “us”, duo-design.eu website), on the mobile version of the site (all being called "duo-design.eu").

By using duo-design.eu and/or placing an order, you agree to abide by the terms and conditions specified below ("Terms"). Before placing an order, please make sure that you have read and understood the Terms.

The inclusion of any products or services on duo-design.eu at any time, does not imply or guarantee that these products or services will be available at any time. We reserve the right to cease marketing a product at any time.

We reserve the right to change these Terms from time to time without prior notice. Your orders will be subject to the Terms specified on duo-design.eu at the time of placing the order.

Duo Design wants to offer the best online experience. To this end, we need to make sure that our services work flawlessly. You understand and agree (i) not to post, redistribute, upload or promote any communications or content that could harm or adversely affect our company, products or services; (ii) not act in this manner or use any device that would restrict, prevent, inconvenience or prevent any other user from using or benefiting from the duo-design.eu site or that would affect the security of the site; or ( iii) do not use any device or attempt to use any engine, software, tool, agent, script or other device or mechanism (including but not limited to spiders, bots, indexing robots, avatars or intelligent agents) to browse or search the site or to copy content from the site. We reserve the right to immediately block access to the site and to close the account of any user who violates this provision, or any other provision specified in these terms and conditions.


Duo Design Key Shop Project SRL reserves the right to:

a) Change or remove (temporarily or permanently) the Website or any part of it without notice and you confirm that Duo Design or the Site Developers shall not be liable to you for any such change or removal.

b) Change these terms and conditions at any time, and your continued use of the Website following any changes shall be deemed to be your acceptance of such change.


Nothing in these Terms shall exclude or limit Duo Design's liability in respect of any matter for which it would be unlawful to limit or exclude our liability.

We do not intend to exclude liability for false statements made by us or our employees or representatives. In the event of a breach of these Terms, we will only be liable for losses that are a reasonably foreseeable consequence of such breach.

Duo Design is not liable for indirect losses that are a side effect of the principal loss or damage, such as loss of profits or loss of opportunity, or for the inability to deliver the goods or fulfil any of our obligations under these Terms in the event that in which this impossibility is caused by an event over which we have no control, which includes but is not limited to: fire, flood, storm, uprising, civil unrest, war, nuclear accident, pandemic and terrorist activity.

Our maximum liability to you for any loss or damage that occurs in connection with your order on duo-design.eu will be limited to the total price of your order.

Duo Design is not responsible for infecting a customer's computer with computer viruses, for cyber-attacks of any kind, for losing data from the User / Customer on his devices or damaging any hardware or software belonging to him.

Also, Duo Design is not responsible for phishing emails or partner links that may appear on the website at any time.

User / Customer Liability:

The User / Customer is responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of his Account data (user / e-mail and password), for managing access to the Account and for the activity carried out through the Account, as well as for browsing the websites and links of the partners. Also, the User / Customer is solely responsible for the reality / accuracy / integrity of any and all data provided to the owner of the store and for any damage caused to him by non-compliance with these Terms and Conditions and / or the Contract.


Force majeure (unpredictable, uncontrollable, and unavoidable event that affects the performance of the contract) exonerates the party invoking it from liability.

The delivery time is estimated and may undergo changes due to the special situation established by COVID-19.



Urmatorii termeni si conditii se aplica tuturor comenzilor plasate de client (denumit in continuare „dumneavoastra”) companiei Duo Design Key Shop Project SRL (denumita in continuare „Duo Design”, „a noastra” sau „noi”, site-ul duo-design.eu), pe versiunea mobila a site-ului (toate fiind denumite „duo-design.eu”).

Folosind duo-design.eu si/sau plasand o comanda, sunteti de acord sa respectati termenii si conditiile specificate mai jos („Termeni”). Inainte de a efectua o comanda, va rugam sa va asigurati ca ati citit si inteles Termenii.

Includerea oricaror produse sau servicii pe duo-design.eu nu implica sau garanteaza faptul ca aceste produse sau servicii vor fi disponibile in orice moment. Ne rezervam dreptul de a inceta comercializarea unui produs in orice moment.

Ne rezervam dreptul de a modifica aceste Conditii din cand in cand fara o notificare prealabila. Comenzile dvs. vor fi supuse Termenilor specificati pe duo-design.eu in momentul plasarii comenzii.

Duo Design doreste sa ofere cea mai buna experienta online. In acest scop, trebuie sa ne asiguram ca serviciile noastre functioneaza perfect. Intelegeti si sunteti de acord (i) sa nu postati, redistribuiti, incarcati sau promovati orice comunicari sau continut care ar putea dauna sau afecta negativ compania, produsele sau serviciile noastre; (ii) sa nu actionati in acest mod si sa nu utilizati niciun dispozitiv care sa restrictioneze, sa previna, sa incomodeze sau sa impiedice orice alt utilizator sa utilizeze sau sa beneficieze de site-ul duo-design.eu sau care ar afecta securitatea site-ului; sau (iii) nu folositi niciun dispozitiv sau nu incercati sa utilizati niciun motor, software, instrument, agent, script sau alt dispozitiv sau mecanism (inclusiv, dar fara a se limita la spiders, roboti, roboti de indexare, avatare sau agenti inteligenti) pentru a naviga sau a cauta site-ul sau pentru a copia continut de pe site. Ne rezervam dreptul de a bloca imediat accesul la site si de a inchide contul oricarui utilizator care incalca aceasta prevedere sau orice alta prevedere specificata in acesti termeni si conditii.


Duo Design Key Shop Project SRL isi rezerva dreptul de:

a) Modifica sau elimina (temporar sau definitiv) site-ul sau orice parte a acestuia fara o notificare prealabila si confirmati astfel ca Compania Duo Design sau Dezvoltatorii Site-ului nu vor fi raspunzatori fata de Dumneavoastra pentru nicio modificare sau eliminare.

b) Modifica acesti termeni si conditii in orice moment, iar utilizarea dvs. continua a site-ului web in urma oricaror modificari va fi considerata a fi acceptul dvs. pentru aceasta modificare.


Nimic din acesti Termeni nu exclude sau limiteaza raspunderea Duo Design pentru orice problema pentru care ar fi ilegal sa ne limitam sau sa excludem raspunderea noastra.

Nu intentionam sa excludem raspunderea pentru declaratii false facute de noi sau angajatii sau reprezentantii nostri. In cazul incalcarii acestor conditii, vom fi raspunzatori numai pentru pierderile care sunt o consecinta rezonabil previzibila a unei astfel de incalcari.

Duo Design nu este raspunzator pentru pierderile indirecte care sunt un efect secundar al pierderii sau daunelor principale, cum ar fi pierderea profiturilor sau pierderea oportunitatii sau pentru incapacitatea de a livra marfurile sau de a indeplini oricare dintre obligatiile noastre in conformitate cu acesti Termeni, in cazul in care aceasta imposibilitate este cauzata de un eveniment asupra caruia nu avem control, care include, dar nu se limiteaza la: incendiu, inundatii, furtuna, revolta, tulburari civile, razboi, accident nuclear, activitate pandemica si terorista.

Raspunderea noastra maxima fata de dvs. pentru orice pierdere sau paguba care are loc in legatura cu comanda dvs. pe duo-design.eu va fi limitata la pretul total al comenzii dvs.

Duo Design nu este responsabil pentru infectarea computerului unui client cu virusi informatici, pentru atacuri cibernetice de orice fel, pentru pierderea datelor de la Utilizator / Client pe dispozitivele sale sau deteriorarea oricarui hardware sau software care ii apartine.

De asemenea, Duo Design nu este responsabil pentru e-mailuri de tip phishing sau link-uri partenere care pot aparea in orice moment pe site-ul web.

Raspunderea utilizatorului / clientului:

Utilizatorul / Clientul este responsabil pentru pastrarea confidentialitatii datelor Contului sau (utilizator / e-mail si parola), pentru gestionarea accesului la Cont si pentru activitatea desfasurata prin Cont, precum si pentru navigarea site-urilor web si a linkurilor partenere. De asemenea, Utilizatorul / Clientul este singurul responsabil pentru realitatea / acuratetea / integritatea oricaror si tuturor datelor furnizate proprietarului magazinului si pentru orice daune care i-au fost cauzate de nerespectarea acestor Termeni si conditii si / sau a Contractului.


Forta majora (eveniment imprevizibil, incontrolabil si inevitabil care afecteaza executarea contractului) exonereaza partea care o invoca de raspundere.

Timpul de livrare este estimat si poate suferi modificari din cauza situatiei speciale stabilite de COVID-19.