Reception Desk "Alpha" / Mobilier Receptie "Alpha"

Reception Desk "Alpha" / Mobilier Receptie "Alpha"



Simple geometries combined in a complex design, led to the birth of an object, predestined to amaze with its elegance and absolute uniqueness, suitable for the utmost result, for hotels or lobbys.

The warmth of the wood combined with the coldness of the stone, perfectly furnish the space in which this piece is placed, offering, in the same time, versatility in use.


Dimensions:   (L) 450cm X (D) 76cm X (H) 113cm;

Material:   Wood / Marble;

Details:   Oak finish with marble stone.



Geometriile simple combinate intr-un design complex, au dus la nasterea unui obiect predestinat sa uimeasca prin eleganta si prin unicitatea sa absoluta, generand un rezultat maxim, atat pentru hoteluri cat si pentru lobby.

Caldura lemnului alaturata de Piatra rece, intregesc spatiul in care aceasta piesa este amplasata, oferind versatilitate in utilizare.


Dimensiuni:   (L) 450cm X (A) 76cm X (H) 113cm;

Material:   Lemn / Marmura;

Detalii:   Lemn stejar si marmura;  

(En) The displayed price is calculated for the dimensions specified in the sketch. For other sizes and options, please contact us.

(Ro) Pretul afisat este calculat pentru dimensiunile specificate in schita. Pentru alte dimensiuni si optiuni ne puteti contacta.


* Estimated delivery period between 1 week to 8 weeks, depending on the finish and product specificity.

Reception Desk "Alpha 2" / Mobilier Receptie "Alpha 2" reception_modif-Scene 2.jpg

Reception Desk "Alpha 2" / Mobilier Receptie "Alpha 2"
