"Modular" Library / Biblioteca "Modular"

"Modular" Library / Biblioteca "Modular"
Faced with multiple materials, from veneered panels, to different natural stone finishing, this patterned Library has both open and closed compartments. This makes it an elegant storage unit, as well as a stunning decorative piece of furniture by itself.
Independent of the finish choice, the versatility of the style will undoubtedly satisfy the needs of both residential and business requirements.
This item can be used as a single piece or in multiple pieces, depending on the available space.
Dimensions: on demand
Materials: MDF / Veneer / Acryl stone;
Details: The Library is available in the exposed color combination. For further details please contact us.
Fetele din materiale multiple, de la panouri furniruite, la diferite finisaje din compozit cu aspect de piatra naturala, aceasta biblioteca are atat compartimente deschise, cat si inchise. Aceste posibilitati fac din ea o unitate de depozitare eleganta, precum si o piesa de mobilier uimitoare de sine statatoare.
Indiferent de alegerea finisajului, versatilitatea stilului va satisface fara indoiala atat nevoile rezidentiale, cat si cele ale unui birou.
Acest articol poate fi utilizat ca o singura piesa sau in mai multe bucati, in functie de spatiul disponibil.
Dimensiuni: la cerere;
Materiale: MDF / Furnir / Compozit;
Detalii: Albastru / Roz / Verde
* Estimated delivery period between 1 week to 8 weeks, depending on the finish and product specificity.